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Currently reading

The Kill Order (Maze Runner, #0.5)
James Dashner
The Accidental Werewolf 2: Something About Harry
Dakota Cassidy
Days Of The Comet
H.G. Wells
The Great Hunt
Robert Jordan

The Last Kingdom

The Last Kingdom - Bernard Cornwell I had this book on my TBR for several months but only got to it after watching the first season of the TV series on BBC. The book is a detailed account of the battle for England in the late 800s between the Danes (Vikings, Norsemen, etc) and King Albert. The story follows Uhtred Ragnarson a Saxon who was captured by the Danes when he was 10 and raised as a son by Ragnar. Uhtred struggles with his upbringing as a Dane and love for Ragnar and the love of his ancestral home Brabbenburg in Northumbria.

Note for those interested in both the TV series and the book - The first season of the TV series extends beyond Book 1.