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Currently reading

The Kill Order (Maze Runner, #0.5)
James Dashner
The Accidental Werewolf 2: Something About Harry
Dakota Cassidy
Days Of The Comet
H.G. Wells
The Great Hunt
Robert Jordan

Split Second

Split Second  - David Baldacci My online reading group plans to read the second book in this series in July. Since I do not like to read a series out of order, I decided to read this in preparation. Once I started the book, it seemed somewhat familiar but I was unable to decide if it was because I had already read the book or if I knew things because of the tv series. Turns out, that I had read the book before but so long ago that I forgot most of it...most importantly - the big reveals. :). Despite being a re-read (something I typically don't do), I found the book, an interesting, enjoyable mystery that kept me guessing until the end.