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Currently reading

The Kill Order (Maze Runner, #0.5)
James Dashner
The Accidental Werewolf 2: Something About Harry
Dakota Cassidy
Days Of The Comet
H.G. Wells
The Great Hunt
Robert Jordan

Sacred Stone

Sacred Stone - Clive Cussler, Craig Dirgo I was a bit concerned when I started this as many of the reviews commented on it being disjointed and hard to follow due to the large number of characters but I actually found that it worked well. The storyline was structured with multiple discrete episodes that each was pulled into the main storyline as needed.

the story itself was a fun, easy read with spy action and thriller components. I am looking forward to getting to know the crew of The Oregon better as I definitely see the people, and their various talents/personalities, as a major strength of the series.

the only significant issue I've had so far -with both books - is the the endings are a bit anticlimactic as the mission is completed.